Luxury Lodging in Florence

Luxury Lodging in Florence
Luxury lodging in Florence can be found in abundance around the city and the outlying areas. The city of Florence has been one of the most popular tourist destinations for years and offers visitors some of the finest , galleries, and examples of Renaissance architecture anywhere in Europe. If you can experience the city in one its elegant hotels, your trip will be enriched all the more. Your search for a luxury accommodation in Florence will unearth a wide variety of options, from hotels housed in centuries-old palaces to villa estates in the Tuscan hills. It’s just a matter of finding the perfect luxury Florence hotel for you.
The Castello del Nero Hotel and Spa is situated in a twelfth-century castle that was reopened in 2006 as a luxurious, 5 star accommodation. This elegant Florence hotel resides on nearly 1,000 acres of land that consists of a wild game reserve and gorgeous gardens. You can take the complimentary shuttle into the city every day, which drops guests off at the Piazza della Repubblica. The expansive list of amenities includes ten private spa treatment rooms, a sprawling outdoor swimming pool, an authentic Tuscan restaurant, workout facilities, and spacious guest rooms and suites. This hotel is an example of luxury lodging in Florence at its finest.
The Hotel Il Salviatino is another luxury Florence hotel that offers its guests excellent amenities and accommodations. As opposed to many of the luxury hotels in Florence, this hotel is brand new. Fine dining by a personal chef is offered on the premises and guests can relax in an expansive spa facility. It is located just north of the city overlooking . If you are looking for a luxury accommodation in Florence just outside the tourist trappings of the city but within close enough proximity to walk into it everyday, this hotel may just be a perfect options.
The Grand Hotel Florence is another example of a luxury accommodation in Florence housed within a palace from hundreds of years ago. This palace was built in the early 1700s and was expertly remodeled in 2000. The hotel overlooks the and is situated in the heart of the historic city center. You will be within close proximity of all the best , restaurants, and  in the city, including the  and the . Guests enjoy a 24-hour concierge, fine dining on-site, spa treatments, and complimentary shuttle transport to virtually anywhere in the city or the outlying areas. If you decide you wish to take a trip into the Chianti wine region for a day of , your concierge will be more than happy to make arrangements for you.
Other notable examples of excellent luxury lodging in Florence include the Relais Santa Croce, the Grand Hotel Villa Medici, the Villa San Michele, the Hotel Lugarno, and the Cerretani Firenze. Finding a luxury Florence hotel will not at all be a problem as long as you factor in what time of year you will be traveling and make your plans in advance accordingly. Prices go up and availability becomes more of an issue as spring and summer approaches.
Florence Museums Tour
A Florence museum tour is an excellent way to get a survey look at all of the best museums in the city. Many times people find themselves in the position of laying over in Florence or otherwise with a limited time to see as much as possible. This is when making Florence museum reservations in advance of your trip can save you a lot of time and hassle. When you purchase Florence museum tickets at the door of whatever destination you are visiting, you will have to wait in line, and are not guaranteed admittance, depending upon how busy it is that day. Securing reservations at least a month in advance can make all the difference in how much of Florence you get to enjoy while you are in the city.
There are a wide variety of incredible museums and galleries in this capital of the region. Booking a Florence museum tour allows you to see many of the best (although rather hastily) all in the same day or two. Whether it is the Museum of the History of Science in Florence, the, the , or the , it is an undisputed fact that some of the greatest museums in Europe reside in the city that has long been known as the Cradle of the Renaissance. There is an upside and a downside to being as popular a tourist destination as Florence in fact is. The upside is that around virtually every single corner you will encounter masterworks by some of the greatest artists of all time, whether it is(designed by Brunelleschi), the by Michelangelo at the Accademia, or Donatello’s bronze panels at the .
The downside tends to be that such immense collections of priceless art, dozens of old  and basilicas, and other such  draw millions of tourists to this relatively small city in central Italy each and every year. If time is at all an issue as you plan your trip, the need to make Florence museum reservations is a real one. Purchasing Florence museum tickets in advance will allow you to cut through the long lines at the most popular museums. Many times these lines can keep you waiting for hours, especially in the peak tourist months of April through October. It's entirely possible admission at the door will not be an option. If you do not plan to make Florence museum reservations on your own, and are still dealing with a limited amount of time in the city, you should strongly consider booking a Florence museum tour.
One of the drawbacks of booking a tour is that you truly do only have a very limited time at the museums. For some, it is not that easy to simply spend a minute or so looking at Michelangelo’s David, for example. If this sounds like you, the simple solution could simply be to make Florence museum reservations at the couple of museums that you want to visit the most. In this way you will ensure that you get in quickly, but also have plenty of time to see everything you want at your own pace. Once you have your Florence museum tickets, you will be all set to view some of the greatest treasures in the history of Europe, all contained within the beautiful city of Florence.
Fiesole is a commune of Florence located about five miles northeast of the city. Although it is a gorgeous hill town, most people ascend the high climes in order to get a panoramic view of Florence below. They often do not realize that there are a wide variety of Fiesole attractions, and that many people embark upon Fiesole Italy vacations. Once you begin to scratch below the surface, you will discover that there are not only quite a few  in Fiesole, but also that this is an enchanting and memorable town in its own right. For people traveling to Florence during the peak months of April through October, a  to Fiesole can provide a much-needed getaway from the heavy tourist traffic.
The history of Fiesole dates all the way back to the ninth century BC. The town was a member of the Etruscan confederacy, and the ancient walls and various other ruins remain to this day. Fiesole was first mentioned in text in the year 283 BC after it was sacked by the Romans. They encouraged and aided the Florentines at the time in constructing a settlement on the  There was much subsequent fighting between the two camps, Florence and Fiesole, until Florence finally subjugated Fiesole in the twelfth century.
If you are planning Fiesole Italy vacations, you should be aware of some of the most popular attractions in the town. No trip would be complete without visiting the historically significant archaeological ruins in Fiesole, including the Roman baths, theaters, and temples, as well as an impressive, early-Etruscan temple dating back to the fourth century BC. The Piazza Mino da Fiesole is the town’s main piazza. Here you will find a collection of attractions including the Palazzo Vescovile (Bishop’s Palace), which was constructed in the eleventh century, and the Cathedral San Romolo. The Museo Bandini contains a nice collection of art created in Fiesole between the thirteenth and fifteenth centuries.
One of the best things to do in Fiesole is leisurely stroll the ancient roads and various parks and piazzas to experience a page right out of antiquity. There are plenty of cafes and, and today many wealthy residents of Florence also have homes in the hills of Fiesole. It is an enchanting little town that you should certainly consider visiting if you are already making the. Other main attractions in Fiesole include the Villa Medici, the Monastery of San Francesco, the Church of the Primerana in the cathedral square, and the Badia (or ancient cathedral of Saint Romulus).
There are a variety of things to do in Fiesole, from visiting the archaeological ruins, to enjoying some of the most amazing views of Florence you will ever see. To get to Fiesole from Florence by bus, take the #7. If you are traveling by train, you will embark from the railway station and travel past  and the Piazza San Marco before arriving at the Piazza Mino da Fiesole.
As you plan your Fiesole Italy vacations, also consider stopping by the Parco della Rimembranza, located on the Via di San Francesco. There are public spaces to eat and relax, and here you will enjoy the most excellent panoramic views of Florence below.
Arno River
The Arno River is a river that is completely contained within the  region. Next to the Tiber River, it is the most vitally important river in central Italy. Over the centuries, it has been crucial to the development of finance and trade in the region. The significance of this river through Florence to the people of central Italy cannot be underestimated. The Arno River begins at Mount Falterona in the Tuscan Apennines and runs for 150 miles. It flows south before turning west at Arezzo, before ultimately traveling west toward its final destination in the Tyrrhenian Sea. Before making it to the Tyrrhenian, it flows through Florence, and Empoli. When you visit Florence, you will notice that much of the activity is centered around this vital waterway, from the bridges over the Arno River like the famous , to the  and cafes that line various portions of its route through romantic Florence.
The Ponte Vecchio (or Old Bridge) is the oldest and certainly the most famous of all the bridges over the Arno River. It is the only Florentine bridge to have survived the bombing attacks by the Germans in World War II. The bridge has remained in tact in Florence since 1345 and to this day remains an important part of the cultural landscape in the city. The Ponte Vecchio crosses over the Arno River from the  on the north bank to the  on the south bank. The north bank is known as the Signoria District, while the south bank is the Oltrarno District.
The Ponte Vecchio used to be lined with butchers where now there are vendors selling everything from jewelry to trinkets and souvenirs. At one time this river through Florence carried the carcasses of animals that the butchers would discard into the water. This all came to an end when the Medici family removed the butchers and replaced them with a more gentrified selection of vendors along the ancient bridge.
There are also other bridges over the Arno River. The Ponte delle Grazie is another of the most famous bridges in Florence. It is said to sparkle in the light of the setting sun. It is located down river to the east from the Ponte Vecchio. To the west lies the Ponte Santa Trinita. These are the two most famous bridges, as they connect central Florence with the District of Oltrarno. Other bridges that were constructed to span this river through Florence include the Ponte Alla Carraiat and the Ponte Amerigo Vespucci.
If you are looking for hotels near the Arno River, you will have a range of options at your disposal. Whether you are staying on the north or south bank of the river, there are plenty of viable accommodations. The Hotel Balestri overlooks the historic river and is within close proximity of all the popular  in the city center. Many of these accommodations are expensive because of their location and tourist demand is high. The Strozzi Palace Hotel, Albergo Hotel Della Signoria, and the Hotel Machiavelli Palace are three great options if you want to treat yourself to a luxurious accommodation in the heart of all the activity.
Florence Shopping
Florence shopping is a grand experience. Some of the most influential fashion houses in the world were founded in this city, including that of Salvatore Ferragamo, one of the oldest and most renowned of all. When it comes to what to buy in Florence Italy, items run the gamut from high-end haute couture styles from leading Italian designers on streets such as Via de’ Tornabuoni, to jewelry and trinkets in the  area. Outlet shopping tours in Florence have also become increasingly popular because of the deep savings tourists can realize on high-end goods.
Florence is a city whose local population is outnumbered by the tourist population between the months of April and October. Many of the people who travel to this popular destination do so with the express intention of taking advantage of the amazing Florence shopping scene. While many of the biggest and most notable Italian designers are now headquartered in , most of them started out in Florence. Internationally recognized brand names includign Gucci, Prada, Armani, and Chanel were all founded in Florence, and all of these and many more still maintain boutiques in the city center. There are a couple of ways to try to save money. You can try to haggle prices down in tourist centers like the San Lorenzo Market and the privately owned shops in the Ponte Vecchio, or you can take part in one of the many available outlet shopping tours in Florence.
By reserving a place on these tours, you can many times get savings on labels such as Gucci and Prada of up to 50 percent off the label price. The downside is that this is a lackluster experience as compared to shopping the boutiques and stores along streets in the city center like Via de’ Tornabuoni. However, if you are traveling on a budget and want to get the best bargains possible, it may be advisable to at least try out one of the outlet shopping tours in Florence. Essentially, you will be picked up at your hotel by a multilingual driver whose company has an association with the various outlets that allows their paying customers to get the discounts.
Florence shopping is not confined to ultra-expensive designer boutiques. There is also a wide range of open-air markets and flea markets where you can find everything from leather goods and fabric, to crafts and home goods. It is a challenge trying to decide just what to buy in Florence Italy at places like the flea market near the Piazza , as there is simply so much for sale. A great way to get to know the city and its various shopping epicenters is to grab a local map and begin exploring with your group, or even by yourself. Try out the New Market located under the Loggia del Porcellino, stop by the Ferragamo boutique, try out a brand new fragrance at the Chanel store, and treat yourself to a Florence shopping experience to remember. As you spend more time in Florence, the consideration is likely to shift from what to buy in Florence Italy, to what not to buy in Florence. The budget can go quickly, but for many, you only get to go to Florence once.
Florence Attractions
The many things to see in  generally concentrate on the glorious art and architecture for which the city is renowned and that was the central spark of the Italian Renaissance. The of the regional capital of  and the luminaries who formed the city stretch back to before the time of Christ, and the Florence attractions present a dream come true for art lovers.
If you are coming from the direction of , your first sightseeing in Florence will occur before you ever get into the city. The road comes to the hills above the ’s south bank, from which you can see the beautiful city spread out below you. The scene is punctuated by Brunelleschi’s dominating dome atop the Florence  and the rich sculptural  (bell tower) in the same square.
The river snakes through the city, highlighting the lovely  and other Florence attractions along its course and giving you a taste of what you’re about to experience. It pays to get yourself a map before you set off on sightseeing in Florence as the city is quite spread out and it is fairly easy to lose your bearings. Fortunately, many of the most important things to see in Florence are set in a fairly compact manner along the Arno. If you do get lost, look up for the Duomo dome and Giotto campanile to get reoriented. Right in Piazza del Duomo is the lovely Baptistery del San Giovanni, with its three sets of incredible bronze doors.
The Florence attractions within a mile of the Duomo are many, and they include some of the most popular sights. Just a couple blocks to the north is the , burial place of the Medici family. Its rather plain brick exterior (Michelangelo’s plans for the façade were never completed) hides the incredible art treasures inside. A couple blocks north of the Basilica of San Lorenzo is the , home of , one of the most iconic sculptures in the world.
From the Duomo, walk less than a fifth of mile south towards the river during your sightseeing in Florence and you will reach one of the most important repositories of art in the world—the  Here are Botticelli’s famous paintings, The Birth of Venus and La Primavera. There is Caravaggio’s portrait of Bacchus, da Vinci’s Adoration of the Magi, and even paintings by the great Dutch Master Rembrandt from the.
Among the things to see in Florence are the historic bridges spanning the Arno River. From the Uffizi, the river is less than a block south. Stroll west along its banks for another 1,000 feet or so to the most famous of them all, the beautiful medieval . As you cross over this famous bridge, you can even get in some  at jewelry shops, art galleries, and souvenir shops—just as was the custom in medieval days. The world is fortunate that this was the only of the Arno bridges in Florence not destroyed in World War II. On the other side of the bridge, you will find the huge, lushly landscaped, with its fine collection of seventeenth- and eighteenth-century statuary and some Roman ruins. Near here is the beautiful , once the chief residence of the Medici family and opulently furnished and decorated. Today it serves as one of the  and art galleries.
Pitti Palace
The Pitti Palace is the largest museum complex in the city of Florence and one of the most highly regarded in all of Europe. Palazzo Pitti, as it is titled in Italian, sits on the south bank of the . The original building, commissioned by a wealthy Florentine banker named Luca Pitti, dates back to the year 1458. The Palazzo Pitti was later expanded spectacularly by the Medici family, who converted it into the royal residence of the Grand Duchy of are two of the most alluring and popular  in all of Florence.
The history of the Pitti Palace is reason enough to visit this amazing construct. Over the years it was occupied by the ruling families of Florence, including the Medici, Savoys, and Lorraines. It was even used by Napoleon Bonaparte as a central power base in Italy in the latter part of the eighteenth century. The Palazzo Pitti also briefly served as royal palace for the newly united kingdom of Italy. Nowadays, it is the priceless and seeming countless treasures that are contained within the Pitti Palace Museum that draw millions of visitors each and every year to its doors.
The museum itself is divided into several different galleries. The Palatine Gallery is the principal gallery located on the first floor of the museum. It contains over 500 prized Renaissance paintings by legends the likes of Raphael, Titian, and Rubens. Although King Victor Emmanuel III donated the building to the state in 1919 to be used as a public art museum, the space still maintains a decidedly private feel. Many of the rooms in this gallery were decorated by Pietro da Cortona. You have to be there in person to witness the absolute luxuriousness of this one-time royal residence.
The Royal Apartments are another favorite with visitors of the gallery as they go inside the fourteen living chambers of the Medici Family. The elegant appointments and abject opulence will make your head spin. The Gallery of Modern Art was a fabulous addition to the museum and features some of the finest works of art by preeminent artists spanning from 1700 to 1900. This may not sound correct, but it is. In a city with so many centuries-old works of art, that is modern. There are 30 rooms in this gallery that are filled with amazing paintings and sculptures.
The Silver Museum features a wide array of the treasures gathered by the Medici family, including many silver plates and pieces, jewels, and much more. The Porcelain Museum is located in the Casino del Cavaliere in the Boboli Gardens and contains an impressive collection of porcelain items from all over the world, collected by the Grand Duchy. The Costume Gallery and Carriages Museum round out the various galleries contained within the Pitti Palace Museum.
If you are currently planning your itinerary for your , you should strongly consider putting this museum near the top of your list of places to visit. The Pitti Palace in Florence Italy is easily one of the most impressive and historically significant museums in Europe.
Uffizi Gallery
The fingerprints of the architect Vasari are all over the city of Florence. Along with the famous corridor above , Vasari also designed the city"s most impressive museum, the Uffizi gallery, or Galleria degli Uffizi. Constructed at the behest of Cosimo I de" Medici in the 16th century to house the offices for Florentine magistrates, the museum is now home to the largest collection of Italian and Florentine t in the world. Though far from the largest museum, tickets to Uffizi gallery have been said to allow entrance into a gallery that has more art per square inch than any other museum.
witnessed the genesis of the Italian Renaissance, and many of the movement"s highlights reside in the Uffizi Gallery, including Botticelli"s The Birth of Venus, Leonardo da Vinci"s Adoration of the Magi, Lippi"s Coronation of the Virgin, Caravaggio"s The Sacrifice of Isaac and other great works by masters such as Michelangelo, Raphael, Titian and Giotto. When Anna Maria Ludovica -the last in the line of Medicis - died, the people of Florence inherited the entire collection of her family"s art. Statues of the most acclaimed artists, sculptors and philosophers of all time line the outside of the Galleria degli Uffizi and are a wonder to behold all by themselves. But that shouldn"t dissuade you from entering, as the majesty of Florentine art spikes exponentially inside.
The interior is a series of rooms, grouped into influential schools or artistic periods to show the advancement of Florentine and general European art though the ages. It begins with the post-Byzantine work of Giotto and ends with contributions from the likes of Rubens and Tintoretto. Tickets to Uffizi gallery also offer a new feature: high windows on the upper floor of the gallery display the skyline of Florence at its finest, the  domineering the azure breezes of one of Italy"s ideal landscapes.
Florence Wine Tour
A Florence wine tour is an absolute must for anyone who appreciates quality wine and is traveling to the Tuscan region. This is one of the cradles of wine growing in Italy. The hilly terrain, rich soil, and temperate climate in the region provide the ideal characteristics for a fertile and productive grape-growing territory. The  region is recognized the world over for its production of Chianti and Chianti Classico, but when you scratch just below the surface, you will find a wide selection of other grapes, and therefore wines that come out of the Tuscan hills.
A Florence wine tasting is an excellent way to learn more about the grapes, the wine, and the process, all while enjoying the best the region has to offer as you go along. You can set up a Florence wine excursion with the help of your travel provider or hotel concierge assistant, and many such trips are included as options on the itinerary for most . Also, some travel providers offer full trips that revolve around an exploration of wine country in and around Florence and greater Tuscany. For people who want to spend as much time as possible in wine country and care little about the bothersome tourist traffic inside Florence, the rolling Tuscan hills, covered with countless vineyards and olive groves, can be the perfect vacation.
The best thing is that there is no singular way to take a Florence wine tour. It is largely up to you to decide exactly what you want to do and see. For instance, you can travel between a variety of wineries and vineyards and enjoy a Florence wine tasting at each one. You can also spend more time at just one or two places, watching the wine making, tasting the wine, and even aiding in the process if you are interested. There are also many examples of a Florence wine excursion that also include cooking lessons and other such classes.
Broadly speaking, there are two camps of people who sign up for a Florence wine excursion: those that want to learn about the wine and those that want to drink the wine. Of course both camps meet happily in the middle when they find out that drinking is learning and vice versa. A Florence wine tasting takes you inside the world of one of the most widely renowned wine regions in the world: Tuscany. The Sangiovese grape is the refined and noble grape handed down from before the time of the Etruscans that gives life to the well-loved Chianti and Chianti Classico for which the region is best known. The Chianti is often blended with locally crafted Cabernet Sauvignon and other such reds to form beautiful blends like the Brunello di Montalcino. When you embark upon your Florence win tour, you will also find out that the other grapes for which the region is best known include Mammolo, Raspirosso, Grand Noir, and Barbera, to name just a few.
A Florence wine excursion is an excellent and enjoyable way to get out of the city or the cruise ship for a bit and immerse yourself in one of the finest wine regions in Europe. You can even combine your wine vacation with a stay in one of the beautiful  around Tuscany.